Thoughts and views on any set-up by the knowledgeable and experienced adds value to the credentials and provides a growth path for the set-up. Being the first set-up to connect NDA Alumni Worldwide, the Testimonials received to date, is very gratifying and conclusive of the planned purpose of Global NDA Alumni Network.

Alma mater

As incumbent Commandant of this prestigious institution, it gives me immense pleasure to compliment the complete team behind establishing yet another platform in the form of ‘www.ndaglobalnetwork.com’. The in-house website design of NDA Alumni Global Network (NDAA - GNW) speaks volumes on the details that the team has addressed, to bring practical value to Alumni settled abroad and those at home to connect overseas. It is indeed encouraging that in a short span of just one year, the number of members enrolled is approaching four figures world-wide. I take this opportunity to mention that NDA Alumni Association (NDAAA) has also launched Alumni Album on our official website (https://nda.nic.in) and urge NDA-GNW to link up with NDAAA and be an extension of the larger body so as to enhance mutual reach and coherence.

It is also heartening to know that the website completes its first anniversary on 26 Jul 2021, the very day that is celebrated all across the nation as Kargil Vijay Diwas. Celebrating the Anniversary of this website on such a day will also be an apt occasion to pay homage to all the fallen ex NDA officers. I express my sincere gratitude to the entire family of Ex NDAs for living up to the motto of ‘Service Before Self’ and upholding the glory of our Alma Mater.

Wishing NDAA (GNW) all the very best in its future endeavours. Jai Hind!

Asit Mistry , Commandant 01 Feb 20 Till date

It was a pleasure to read through the ‘First Anniversary Newsletter of Global NDA Alumni Network’. What a wonderful initiative by the NDA Alumni settled overseas. Having read through the Newsletter, I went through the Website. I must commend the design concept and the precise information so well presented. With no animations and videos and only minimal photos of relevance, it says it all – A very thoughtful process that was followed in developing the website. The purpose of the network is aptly spelt out – ‘Connecting Ex NDAs worldwide professionally and socially’.

The NDA Alumni Global Network (NDAA -GNW) platform, as they call it was much awaited. Having been the Commandant I was President of the NDA Alumni Association. Though we did progress to grow the association, but it remained limited on the international front. Now with NDAA (GNW) well established, we have the international platform through which the Association could link-up with Alumni settled abroad. The Office Bearers of Alumni Association at Khadakvasla, now has an established overseas NDAA (GNW) Team of POCs to call upon, on International NDA Alumni matters, including the City and surrounds-based Ambassadors worldwide, as the NDAA (GNW) representative.

I congratulate the torch bearer team for designing and making the NDAA (GNW) operational. Recently I received the Program of the ‘First Intercontinental NDA Alumni Re-union’ being organised by the ‘Australia, New Zealand and Oceania Region’ of NDAA (GNW) from 31 Dec 22 to 15 Jan 23. With my first daughter already settled in Australia, and this First Reunion in Australia, makes the occasion more the reason to join. One cannot wait to be part of the reunion and rejoice together on foreign land.

I wish NDAA (GNW) the very best in their future ventures. I am just a telephone call away for any assistance needed. Will be an honour to do so.

Kulwant Gill, Commandant 01 Jan 2013 to 31 Jul 2014

Alumni Worldwide

Americas Region

Great to be connected finally through the Global NDA Alumni Network

Kunwar Zalpuri, Boxborough, USA

This Global NDA Alumni Network is an amazing platform where we all ex NDAs can interact irrespective of course seniority. I am glad to be part of this group where we can connect with ex NDA in any part of the world, whenever we travel there

Stan Khanna, Detroit, USA

Global NDA has been a very nice feeling and reading about our life in those good old days brings back memories taking us back to our young days

Virinder Bindra, Newport Beach, USA

Thank you for the excellent effort in putting this group together! – Global NDA Alumni Network.

Saleem Zaheer, Boulder, USA

Global NDA Website initiative is a great way to connect and network with NDA mates. It is also a convenient location for “valuable time pass’ news to rekindle nostalgia and keeping us young as well as energised! Great efforts by the founders.

Sanjeev Rattan, Toronto, Canada

The Global NDA initiative is a wonderful forum for us to exchange knowledge, experience, maintain skill levels and become familiar with new technology as we move from a military to civilian life. Exchanging anecdotes and experiences are the glue that will bind us together.

Preetam Sirur, Brooklyn, New York, USA

Excited to be a part of the 'ndaglobalnetwork' and proud of you all for creating such a wonderful alumni network. Our network is unique. It binds NDA generations and focuses on our common journey down memory lane. The geographical barriers are removed to create a wonderful platform for exchange of common ideas and thoughts

Ravi Srivastava, California, USA

What’s unique about NDA is the strong bonds that are formed amongst the cadets, which endure for a lifetime. We all have the comforting feeling of belonging to a large, extended family. The family is now spread around the world. NDA Global Alumni Network helps us continue with this sense of belonging.

Uday Ahluwalia, San Francisco, USA

Global NDA has given us all a peek into the globalisation of Brand NDA. It definitely left me amazed that I could connect with alumni way, way senior/junior to me and hear their stories of war and peace. Hats-off to the founders for this brilliant idea to bring us all back together. It is work-in-progress, but worth every effort and milestone achieved so far.

Shamsheer Ahmed, Vancouver, USA

I’m very excited and honored to be a part of the Global NDA – Brothers network. Kudos to the initiative and work done by Arvind Sir and team. As we all have realized through our experiences in life, there is no better feeling of brotherhood and camaraderie than that between ex NDA’s. It is the “instant blood relationship” you discover when you meet another ex NDA however senior, junior, older, younger… Most great colleges and training institutions have strong Alumni and a feeling of brotherhood. This close network comes of advantage to them in many aspects of life, work, business, guidance, leg ahead and progress. I hope that this NDA alumni groups propose would be similar with the intent to guide and assist each other along with other events of brotherhood building.

Augustine Joseph, San Francisco, USA

Global NDA is a well-conceived organisation of NDA Alumni. A great number of Ex NDAs are settled abroad & this organisation provides an excellent opportunity to them to interact with one another & sometimes in true NDA traditions & ethos provide help if required. Moreover, it’s always a pleasure to meet & interact with ex NDA on foreign land!

Harish Israni, Calgary, Canada

Europe, Africa and West Asia

The Global NDA Alumni Network is an excellent concept for preserving memories through archives on the website. It enabled me to connect with my role model, Sir Paul Raj’s success stories and the likes of Madhav Das and some of my father’s cadets from 35 to 39 Courses. Hats off to the editorial and admin team for this herculean effort in this a reality

Rajiv Bongirwar, Cheltenham, UK

Global NDA is an excellent platform to connect ex NDAs across the globe. Congratulations to the team that has brought us all together

Sanjay Mohan, Wokingham, UK

The NDA Alumni network is a great initiative in getting course mates & squadron types to recollect the glory days whilst being young and reckless.

Mayank Bhardwaj, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Arvind Sinha and all other co-founders deserve our compliments and gratitude for creating the NDA Global network to enable us to revive our bonds across the seven seas and further strengthen that undying NDA Spirit. Looking forward to the proposed Reunion in Australia.

Jagmohan Singh, Dublin, Ireland

NDA Global Network is an excellent initiative pioneered by a few with their initiative and tireless efforts. It is beneficial to all ex NDAs in terms of meeting old friends, sharing experiences, rejoicing the old days, caring for the fraternity. NDA our Alma Mater is a unique Tri service Academy and thus brings all the three services together, bonding for life, throughout the active service and later on too. I am proud that NDA is also at my home city of Pune. Thanks, congratulations and kudos to the NDA Global Network Team, the City Ambassadors and all members. Hope all enjoy each other’s company, meet online and at the Global Reunion planned in 2022!

Shiv Mane, Dubai, UAE

Having gone into the civil world after two and a half decades of being in uniform one flounders and wonders what the whole big bad works is all about. The simple fact is there is a massive family all of whom believe in the same values, ethics and principles present in the Global NDA network is extremely heart-warming. Kudos to the Team for making it possible

Shubhodit Bhattacharya, Nairobi, Kenya

NDA Alumni Global Network is an initiative taken to bring together Ex NDA officers of all seniorities. This is the one of the best ways to strengthen the connection between Ex NDAs worldwide. The goal of this union is to promote interaction between Ex NDA’s who have rich and diverse experience, to help each other whenever necessary and to extend the camaraderie that Ex NDAs enjoy worldwide.

Madhu Gopinath Dubai, UAE

It is often said that reminisce of the past should be done if it gives pleasure and happiness. This is what exactly happens to me when I remember our Alma Mater, our nurturer a place with deeply entrenched culture of bonhomie, trusted support, and deep sense of belonging for ever.
I feel this NDA Alumni Global Network (NDAA – GNW) platform is a natural extension of our deep value system imbibed and drilled with effortlessly yet meticulously taught lessons of life. It is the bedrock of Tri services jointmenship. It is and honour and a privilege to be a registered member of NDAA (GNW). Certainly, feels good to be part of it.

Anil Choudhary Singh, Brussels, Belgium

Lifelong friendships and brotherhood were formed as we crossed from our teenagers to manhood in the National Defence Academy. It is rightly said that NDA turns 'boys' into 'men'. And what can be better, than crossing over such a landmark to serve our motherland in the Indian Armed Forces. As a young captain, being an ex NDA was enough to get me on an IAF service aircraft from Srinagar to Delhi. The NDA Network was enough to ensure that I and my men had hot meals in our tummies and comfortable beds to sleep in, whenever I would be stranded with my convoy during my J&K days.

The NDA Alumni Global Network was therefore long overdue. My compliments, to the founding members for having conceived the network along with its architecture and the zeal of the Core Group to pursue it so vigorously. It is their efforts that the NDAA (GNW) has grown and spread so rapidly within such a short time.

The platform has tremendous potential to make a positive impact in the lives of its members, both for professional matters and in the personal domain. Individually, our association with NDA started before we attained adulthood. Irrespective of the difference in our courses and our squadrons, deep within we are the same. We are a Creed, following the same set of values and beliefs, forged by our years in Khadakvasla. There can be only a few other networks across the globe which can rival such camaraderie. My guess is that these are still early years, and in the time to come the NDAA (GNW) will definitely be making a difference in the lives of every member on a regular basis.

Hemant Hoshrangdel, Lagos - Nigeria

Central and Southeast Asia

Being from an older generation I was skeptical about becoming part of NDA Global Alumni Network which was dispelled during the Virtual Meeting. The distant across 7 seas was irrelevant and course gaps added much spice. The selfless work of the 8 “Navratnas” Founders of the Network from different countries was awesome. Have been doing my best by contributing Articles/Photos/Memoirs to add to the network archives

Indrajit Kashyap, NOIDA, India

Sneh Sharma compliments to the complete Global NDA Alumni Network Support Team for providing and managing such a wonderful platform for us. Some suggestions are: a) Interesting narratives, anecdotes, experiences with pictures of our NDA days, could be compiled annually and published; b) Our good experiences of operations, aid to civil authority and even our daily routines while in service can also be compiled into an E book which can be kept expanding; and c) Whenever technology permits we could have three sub sections like general, greetings, and obituaries.

Ranbir Bhatia, Pune, India

Global NDA is a nice forum to gather all ex NDA guys under one roof to share their by gone days at NDA and keeping track of friends all over the world.

Sudhir Tuli, Navi Mumbai, India

Global NDA Alumni Network is a laudable initiative to connect and re-connect, all who trained at NDA at any point of time as cadets. Considering the wide age gap between the grand old and young ones, as also difference in perceptions, members need to put their best foot forward, to achieve the Aim and Purpose of the Network set by the founding pioneers

Yogi Aggarwal, Indirapuram, India

A unique and innovative method to reach out to NDA Alumni worldwide. Hats off to all those who have made it possible. See the Website evolving into a *Powerful Network of Responsible Global Citizens* in the very near future

Narasimha Mudakatte, Bengaluru, India

I must congratulate Arvind Sinha and his team of NDA Global Network for bringing us all together from different parts of the world. We are all tied to our Alma Mater NDA and reminds us of our cadet days. It is an excellent initiative. 3 cheers to the NDA Global Network

Umesh Bawa, Gurugram, India

The NDA Global Network is a fantastic initiative. Technology and social media now allow the NDA alumni diaspora from Asia's premier military academy (and still the only tri-service academy in the world) to connect as never before across continents. 3 cheers to the NDA Global Network! our military alma mater NDA! Seva, Parmo, Dharmo!

S Devendaran, Singapore

The NDA Alumni Global Network (NDAA – GNW) is a great platform connecting many generations of NDA Alumni. It has a simple format with a clearly enunciated aim for an easy connect. Having passed out of NDA 59 years ago, memories naturally dim in spite of trying to keep the mind sharp with Sudoku, crosswords and games. Reading stories and experiences on the NDAA (GNW) brings back memories in sharp focus. Adventurous, humorous, little mischievous, practical jokes (but never any vindictiveness) learning to accept responsibility, develop team spirit, all a part of shaping and growing up into ‘men’. In this network, I have a window seat to the evolution of NDA over the last half-century into a much larger number of sqns, the setting of traditions, experiments in the functioning - all adding to the joy of life in the Alma Mater. I see great interactions happening. Egos are kept aside, with the aim to connect and support in all possible ways. The NDAA (GNW) RAU and SU Series are serving to capture and record interactions for posterity. A striking format, great creative design, topicality and team effort; all are very apparent in the end product. Congratulations to the Team.

Vijay Singh, Mumbai, India

I would like to add that NDAAA Global Group is a very thoughtful decision and has taken us back to the academy days. I have got associated with some people whom I had not met since my passing out of the academy in 1966, especially those from the IN and IAF. It has made me feel much younger and would definitely add more years to my life. I congratulate the organising team. Well done!

Vijay Dutta, Jammu, India

It is my proud privilege to be part of this august group of EX NDAs. The NDA Global Alumni Network group and the NDA Global Network website are simply amazing. My sincere thanks to all those who have toiled to make this possible. Hoping to see a lot of you in Melbourne in 2022.

Sam Samuel, Cochin, India

This Global NDA network is a brilliant out of the box idea to stay connected to the Alumni of our Alma Mater and most importantly to recall the memorable times wherein we were transformed to become a thorough bred Gentlemen which in turn also promoted lifelong bonding with limitless Potential. Wishing the NDA Global Alumni Network every success and special vote of thanks to Arvind and his team who made this Possible GOD BLESS.

Sunil Lal, Malacca, Malacca

NDA Global Alumni Network (NDAA – GNW), is a Terrific Concept, and I registered as a member on 9 Sep this year. I have been a Council member of the NDAAA since its inception and remain the Treasurer of the Pune Chapter. I also appreciated the NDAA (GNW) “City Ambassadors Program” for smooth communication with members and the main body to city level worldwide. The idea of serving as a “Helpline” to Alumni abroad is also well understood and required. Most Alumni do have their progeny abroad and do need this kind of personal contact with understanding people from our Alma Mater. All that one needs to do is register as a member, to gain access. NDA Global deserves much more with excellent vision for the future too!!

With all the Recollections & Updates Series of Publications being circulated worldwide, the NDAA (GNW) is heading to become the State-of-the-Art communication platform. My best wishes to my good Siachen friend Arvind at Melbourne, his Global Support Team and all the Regions across the globe for its continued growth and awesome success henceforth. Jai Hind!!

Ram Mohan Sridharan, Pune, India

NDAA (GNW) is a logical follow on to all the joint man ship and team spirit we learnt in NDA. The NDA 'Stamp' can never leave us and through NDAA (GNW) we are able to reconnect with so many long-lost friends. We have already seen how our members have reached out to ANYONE who can assist a relative or child in far flung countries and NDA alumni have promptly stepped forward to provide any assistance possible, gladly. This is the true NDA ethos. Look forward to the extended web portal NDAA(GNW) App for our mobile phones.

B S Singh Deo, Odisha, India

Since Arvind Sinha, POC Global, started this unique venture of getting all NDA alumni worldwide, net worked, it has progressed by leaps and bounds, with only one aim in mind, to grow and benefit everyone. This is exactly what is happening. There is such a wealth of knowledge and experience available in this fraternity, if synergised through NDAA (GNW), will benefit everyone immensely. Example, whether it is just visiting another country or place or contacting long lost friends, this is an ideal platform.

One can rest assured that there will always be someone, one can talk to or contact with the knowledge, that it will be worth it.

Hari Naidu, Nakhon Phanom, Thailand

An excellent platform for the Ex NDA and veteran community at large with shared values, imbibed in a common establishment. While it has passed its formative years, the platform has great potential and I am sure with time, the efforts put in by the core team to continuously upgrade it is praiseworthy.

Vivekanand Prabhu, Jakarta, Indonesia

Australia, New Zealand and Oceania

I must congratulate NDA Global Network Team for growing this to the size that it has now become with your dedication and effort. Well Done

Vaidun Vidyadahar, Sydney, Australia

Managed to logon to Global NDA Alumni Network Website. It is of a very high quality and easy to navigate. Great achievement in such a short time

Yogesh Kashyap, Canberra, Australia

Great to be part of this noble initiative in the form of Global NDA Alumni Network.

Ashok Mehra, Perth, Australia

A great initiative that addresses long established need of an ability to connect amongst like-minded ex NDAs not only within Australia but the world over in real time, wherein members are willingly available to assist/advice in true NDA spirit

Om Prakash Mohan, Melbourne, Australia

Fantastic idea to take advantage of modern technology for connecting with NDA Alumni worldwide.

Pramod Kapoor, Perth, Australia

An excellent initiative to provide Ex NDAs a platform to connect worldwide. It brings back memories of cadet days at the Academy and in-service days with whom you served, while in uniform.

Veliath Anthony, Canberra, Australia

Fantastic idea taking advantage of modern technology to keep in touch with the Alma Mater NDA and the fellows who attended it.

Atul Garg, Perth, Australia

The Global NDA Network is a great initiative in bringing together everyone associated with NDA during the prime of their life where bonds are created for life..

Anant Garde, Sydney, Australia

Kudos to the NDA Global platform, enabling retention of the umbilical chord with our glorious and unique Alma Mater NDA.

Joe Mathews, Sydney, Australia

A superb initiative, maybe first of its kind, to get all ex-NDAs on one platform, with the ability to find likeminded individuals in all parts of the world. Enhances the bonds inculcated in us in NDA and nurtures true NDA spirit. Being a website with messaging capabilities, one can establish contact with course mates/seniors/juniors at the click of a button. Truly marvellous.

Krishnan Pillay, Sydney, Australia

This Global NDA Network is a wonderful idea to stay connected to the Alumni of our Alma Mater, NDA worldwide, share thoughts & memories.

Ajith Nambiar, Melbourne, Australia

The creation of this Global NDA set-up is an amazing idea that will bring together the global NDA diaspora to reminisce about the memorable time spent at our alma mater.Interactions moving forward will promote greater bonding and the potential is limitless. Wishing the Glabal NDA Alumni Network every success and a vote of thanks to all who made this possible !

Barry Dhillon, Adelaide, Australia

When I moved to Melbourne, during one of the get together with Arvind Sinha, OP Mohan, Vipin Khullar and others, the idea of connecting with other NDA alumini who are in far off land was born. Initially it was done within Australia and that pilot experience and lessons learnt, expanded to all other countries from a practical value and longevity perspective. From continent level Point-of-Contacts to countries and now with Ambassadors in major cities across the globe, NDAA (GNW) has reached out to everyone and is still growing. Easy to negivate website and WhatsApp group has connected us to share, travel, connect and even assist, when need arises.

Vinay Sharma, Melbourne, Australia

NDA Global was revealed to me as an Organisation of eX NDAs on a global platform. The camaraderie, bon homie and warmth is appealing. The organisers have taken extreme care of brainstorming various ideas to crystallize the purpose. I feel I am connected back with a larger family now through NDA GLOBAL.

Sachin Tilekar, Sydney, Australia

NDA.Global.Network is an excellent platform to reconnect with NDA course mates and alumni living all over the world. Compliments to the team for giving this opportunity to interact socially and professionally with NDA alumni and further strengthen the NDA bond.

Anuj Rampal, Adelaide, Australia

The Global NDA Network is a great initiative, where one can not only connect with course mates and squadron types, buts also lay a strong global support for one and all. Cheers to support team for giving us such a platform

Samir Arora, Hobart, Australia