TORCH BEARERS & Iconic Ambassadors

NDA Global Networkd


The “NDA.Global.Network” platform is a novel and creative initiative in that direction to provide Global Connectivity to NDA Alumni. If you are a proud and true NDA Alumni residing in any part of our globe, this is the platform (akin to a second home) for connecting professionally and socially across continents (inter and intra).

The purpose of this network platform is to re-connect, revive the nostalgia, (including anecdotal moments / events of our time in NDA and subsequently in our lives) and leverage the NDA bond for professional and personal growth in the “International Context”. So, let us join hands for a fun filled and enjoyable journey across the globe.

A Platform for All

We give the utmost importance to our genuine freedom and value our common ethos. So, come together with mutual respect and enjoy the NDA spirit on a lively platform as we manage the “Worldwide NDA Alumni Network” function.